Do you want more connection in your marriage? Want to know how to sense and lead the connection with your wife better?
In this episode Dr Alexis Shepperd and I talk about how we can get better at sensing the quality of connection between you and your partner as well as the ways in which we cut off the connection and how to get better at leading the connection towards a closer, more intimate relationship.
You can find out more about working with Alexis by contacting her for a free consultation call here:
In the video below I explain this in more detail including:
Why intimacy in relationships is about accepting how both you and your partner are truly feeling in this moment while also managing your own anxiety and inviting her to join you in connecting in the way that you want to.
How intimacy is not just about being close and “getting” what you want, but instead it’s creating a safe space for both individuals to be fully themselves and then both choosing to be close.
Why intimacy is not a binary state, on or off, instead it’s more of a subtle dance of choices, learning how to sense how the connection between you is alive and always changing and being OK with exploring the dance together.
Why being calm, honest and authentic about how you’re feeling and confident in what you want leads to more intimacy and connection.
Other articles you may find helpful:
There’s No Intimate Connection In Your MarriageFeel Like Your Relationship Is Stuck?
Why managing your anxiety healthily around intimacy is so important and how we often use coping mechanisms such as dominating, submitting, or distancing behaviors to avoid feeling that anxiety which dampens the connection and intimacy between you.
Why being honest and authentically you while connecting with her can reduce your anxiety and lead to more trust, more safety, more playfulness and a stronger long-term connection and intimacy in your relationship.
Why understanding and managing your own emotions allows the other person to be responsible for managing their own emotions too which can lead to more intimacy between you.
How to recognize and adjust the dial of anxiety you’re feeling around her so that you can keep the connection between you open and alive with exciting possibilites.
How focusing on building a strong, relaxed and fun connection first always leads to more connection, more intimacy and a more fulfilling relationship.
I go into this in more detail in the video below. If you would like some 1-to-1 support on how to move forward with your current life situation, fill out my contact form and I’ll get in touch to arrange a free 60 minute coaching session with you.