Do you have a decision to make that has you feeling scared and stuck? Maybe you’re unhappy in your marriage or miserable in your career but you feel petrified of the ramifications of the decision.
In this episode I talk about a tool you can use to help you be more confident in your choices going forward as well as becoming more peaceful and calm in your self worth and self trust in making the right decisions in the future especially if they scare you.
In the video below I explain this in more detail including:
Why cultivating active patience, listening to your intuition, and maintaining confidence in difficult situations are important traits for men to develop in order to achieve their goals and move forward.
Why patience is a strong masculine trait that when used in an active way helps you make decisions that are the right ones for you and the future you want to experience.
How passive patience keeps you stuck, waiting for external signs to change before you can move forward, whereas active patience uses actively seeking information in the right way to make decisions and move forward with confidence.
How to be confident in your own wisdom and take deliberate action through listening to your intuition.
Other articles you may find helpful:
Why Focusing On Connection Leads To More IntimacyGet The Affection Back In Your Marriage
How to trust your intuition more so you can understand why you feel good or bad in any moment and what that means for you in terms of making your next best decision.
How to know which decisions are right for you and how to stop the constant questioning and ruminating in your head.
How to understand and use your emotional responses as a guide that is here to help you rather than confude or hinder you.
How to ask yourself better questions to access your intuition, especially useful when you need to make decisions that scare you.
How to finally trust yourself to be able to access the answers you need from within you to move forward towards what you want to create and away from what you don’t want.
Why it’s key to be able to stay calm and have confidence through active patience and intuition in any situation, whether it’s in relationships, at work, with family or with friends.
I go into this in more detail in the video below. If you would like some 1-to-1 support on how to move forward with your current life situation, fill out my contact form and I’ll get in touch to arrange a free 60 minute coaching session with you.