It’s an old adage, bad boys are more attractive than good guys or more commonly called nice guys. Maybe you’ve had the feedback that you’re too nice or too kind or you do too much for your wife or partner and she feels guilty or pressured to “please” you back?
In this episode I explain the one attribute that differentiates the bad boy from the good guy and why it’s so important if you want a more affectionate, intimate, passionate and sexual relationship or marriage.
In the video below I explain this in more detail including:
Why being confident, standing up for yourself, and having difficult conversations in a relationship creates attraction and avoids resentment.
How bad boys are more attractive than good guys because they are less inhibited by the negative beliefs that sabotage their self confidence.
Why the way the bad boy is portrayed by society is different to what he actually knows about himself and how he embodies a different energy to the good guy or nice guy.
Other articles you may find helpful:
Why Women Back Away When We’re Not ConfidentA More Sexual Marriage Requires More Emotional Connection First
How avoiding conflict and avoiding upsetting your romantic interest or wife or girlfriend creates fear and insecurity inside you which holds back your ability to create genuine connection in your relationship.
Why being confident in yourself, standing up for what you believe and what you want, and being willing to have difficult conversations even if there is conflict is powerful in creating attraction.
Why good guy’s conflict avoidance, sensitivity, insecurity, sulking and grumpiness make them less attractive and how the bad boy wins because he doesn’t worry about upsetting her or having a different opinion.
Why being self-reliant, validating yourself, knowing who you are and what you want, and having a strong sense of self without depending on her approval or validation will set you free and start building your sense of self worth and confidence again.
How to trust in your own core personal values and be strong enough to stand up for what is important to you, regardless of how others react to you.
How the only person you can truly rely on for validation and self-respect is you, so trust that and don’t be afraid to make bold decisions that may upset other people.
Voila, you’re now embodying the key masculine trait that women respond to in bad boys.
I go into this in more detail in the video below. If you would like some 1-to-1 support on how to move forward with your current life situation, fill out my contact form and I’ll get in touch to arrange a free 60 minute coaching session with you.