Want to know how to get your wife to want you again sexually like she used to when things were passionate and easy, when you both looked at each other with the eyes of acceptance, trust and devotion?
In this episode I talk about the common situation many of us men find ourselves in where the spark, passion, trust and fun has disappeared from our intimate relationship and how to change that and bring back the desire that had you both unable to keep your hands off each other.
In the video below I explain more including:
Why the number one mistake of an unhappy husband is looking for the certainty of a quick fix or a guaranteed result before taking any action.
Why you need to understand how that that spark of passion and attraction you want to feel again is something that is alive, not a dead thing and how you can USE that to your advantage to create what you want in your relationship.
The importance of you being fully committed to what you want to create, knowing exactly the kind of energy and emotional experience you want to create in the future of this relationship.
Other articles you may find helpful:
How To Restore The Sexual Intimacy In Your RelationshipThe True Source Of Unshakeable Confidence
How to avoid the mistake of needing or expecting her to create the spark for you and getting frustrated and upset when she doesn’t.
How the anticipation of intimacy can be a powerful aphrodisiac for a woman when it’s communicated with confidence.
How to deliberately create an energy between you that is on fire in a good way, how you already know how to do this and how you can use the way she is responding to you as an indication of your leadership and confidence.
How to (re)tap into the confidence you exhibited with her when you were in the honeymoon period and playfulness, fun, flirtation and intimacy were so easy to create.
How humour, lightness, boldness and play can get her giggling with the energy that you are creating and how to know that you can create that kind of energy with her whenever you want to because it comes from a confidence in yourself.
The importance of rebuilding your confidence in your own masculine energy and strength of character because it’s directly tied to your ability to take risks and create intimate moments and opportunities for connection with her.
I go into this in more detail in the video below. If you would like some 1-to-1 support on how to move forward with your current life situation, fill out my contact form and I’ll get in touch to arrange a free 60 minute coaching session with you.