Are you feeling confused about what women and society want from men? Want to know what women mean when they say they want a real man?
You may not have heard this in your relationships but I can guarantee it’s at play underneath the surface in some way or another. In this episode I talk about what the terms “Be a man” or “Man up” or “Real man” mean, when and how they show up in modern day relationships and how to respond to this with confidence and clarity.
In the video below I explain this in more detail including:
Why women feel a lack of attraction in struggling relationships and allow it to fade, while men want to problem solve and attack the problem.
How taking full responsibility for how you’re feeling and expressing what you want and the direction that you want to take the relationship with confidence matters.
Other articles you may find helpful:
How To Stay Confident When Facing Your Wife’s Negative FeedbackWhy Your Wife Needs You To Take The Initiative
How to feel more confident. How we think about confidence all wrong and how to create more self worth and courage to take action to create what you want.
Why defining and standing up for your values is so important to your sense of strength and personal peace.
I go into this in more detail in the video below. If you would like some 1-to-1 support on how to move forward with your current life situation, fill out my contact form and I’ll get in touch to arrange a free 60 minute coaching session with you.