Want to be consistently confident and masculine in your life and marriage? Maybe you’re facing a difficult period where you don’t feel confident in yourself or your relationship, or you don’t feel loved, cared for and desired in your marriage right now, I know how hard that is to deal with.
In this episode I talk about one of the key traits of a happier, more confident, more masculine man and why it’s so important if you want to get out of feeling worried about what’s going to happen next in your future.
In the video below I explain this in more detail including:
Why taking responsibility for creating and managing your emotions and your current experience of your life is essential to have choice in creating the life you want and having the fulfilling relationships you desire.
Why responsibility can feel heavy and like it’s trapping you and how it’s important to understand responsibility in a different way that empowers you rather than limiting you.
Other articles you may find helpful:
What You Need to Be a More Confident HusbandHelp Your Wife Relax & Trust You To Lead
Why taking responsibility for your own experience is so powerful and moves you out of being a victim to your circumstances, waiting for others to change to make your life better.
Why taking responsibility for yourself helps you to know who you are as a man and be more confident in making proactive choices to create the life you want.
Why it’s so important not to settle for a relationship where your partner isn’t meeting your needs.
Why taking responsibility for your emotional experience of life gives you the power to change it.
How learning to control and express your emotions is the foundation to more confidence and starts you down a path to being a more calm, deliberate man in your relationships, your career, your health, and your happiness.
I go into this in more detail in the video below. If you would like some 1-to-1 support on how to move forward with your current life situation, fill out my contact form and I’ll get in touch to arrange a free 60 minute coaching session with you.