Want a more sexual marriage? It will require that you learn how to create more emotional connection first and also how you sabotage the emotional connection so you can stop doing that too.
In this episode I talk about a really common factor that breaks the intimate emotional connection that women need to feel safe and attracted to us men before they can be sexually intimate with us again.
In the video below I explain this in more detail including:
Why creating a more sexual marriage requires that you understand and start taking responsibility for leading the emotional environment and particularly the emotional safety so that she can relax and connection can naturally grow again.
How the stronger and more reliable the emotional connection is, the easier it is to be physical and have a more fun,easy, satisfying and fulfilling sexual relationship.
Why acknowledge and validating her feelings as true (even if you have a different perspective to her) can bridge the disconnected emotional gap and improve the intimacy in your marriage.
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Choosing to be the leader of the connection in your relationship through believing that both people’s feelings are 100% valid and leading with curiosity and care with the aim of truly understanding her emotional experience, just like you would with your kids or a best friend, and how key this is for intimacy and trust.
How emotional awareness and ownership of your emotions as your own creation and responsibility can create safety and trust. Also being aware how your non-verbal cues communicate your feelings and thoughts to your partner (even if you believe you’re hiding them well).
Why learning how to build, create and sustain emotional connection is essential if you want a more sexual marriage – this works completely differently in a long-term committed, monogamous relationship compared to dating or a starting a new relationship.
Why being aware of the emotional environment you’re creating and addressing any discomfort or frustration is a foundation for her to feel safe, feel connected and trust you.
How focusing on re-grounding yourself and getting curious about the disconnection and tension in order to shift from blaming to understanding.
Emotional connection is the key to a more passionate relationship, and certainty in relationships is unrealistic, so focus on creating the best opportunity for connection by being self-aware and holding an open space for interaction.
I go into this in more detail in the video below. If you would like some 1-to-1 support on how to move forward with your current life situation, fill out my contact form and I’ll get in touch to arrange a free 60 minute coaching session with you.