How To Defrag Your Unhappy Marriage

Are you facing an unhappy marriage every day? Maybe your wife is cold and distant or she’s asked for space. She might have said she doesn’t know if she wants to be married anymore or you’re just noticing some changes in her behaviour towards you.

In this episode I talk about what happens during midlife in relationships, why it comes as a surprise to so many of us, how to think about this period in your life differently so that you can use it to create a stronger, more confident, more happy, passionate and fulfilled next 30 years.

Have you ever had a computer that was acting weird?

Little glitches start happening…programs crash, the computer restarts for no apparent reason, files take longer to open, weird error codes flash up on the screen..?

Overall it’s working OK but these little signs make you uneasy.

You make a note to remember to back everything up just in case…

And then the hard drive goes pop.


I work with men when they start noticing signs…their wife is acting a little weird.

She’s less responsive to your calls and messages

You’re great friends but there’s a tension in the air and it makes you anxious

She needs more personal time

There’s a lack of warmth in her hugs

She turns her head when you go to kiss her goodbye or goodnight

She seems indifferent toward you and your invitations to connect

You feel further down her priority list than you used to be

She’s always on her phone

And all of this makes you feel worthless and betrayed.

These signs are VERY important!

Just like with a failing hard drive, ignoring them is a recipe for disaster.

And just like a failing hard drive, diving in and opening up the computer without knowing what you’re doing, can speed up the failure.

I talk more about it in the video below: 

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No-one explains that when we hit midlife there’s an urgent drive to live the life you want to live, not the one you’re ‘supposed’ to live. ~ Brene Brown

Ahhhh “midlife” that “catch-all” term that means anything goes and no-one really understands what drives the new, strange behaviour.

But there is logic behind the seemingly random behaviour.

“One of the patterns revealed in my research was how all that role playing becomes almost unbearable around midlife. Men feel increasingly disconnected, and the fear of failure becomes paralyzing. Women are exhausted, and for the first time they begin to clearly see that the expectations they’ve been trying to live up to are impossible.” ~ Brene Brown

Our natural response to unexpected change (like a partner who’s started behaving weirdly) or anything that makes us feel uneasy is to protect ourselves, which means to take control, to grip on tightly and to try and change things back to the way they were so we can feel relaxed and safe again.

But the signs you’ve noticed in your relationship are indicators that something has ALREADY changed.

In this situation most of us get stuck on the wrong question.

We want to know “why” something has changed…

Why is this happening?

Why is she being so cold?

Why can’t she see what it’s doing to me?

Why doesn’t she care anymore?

Why is she so happy with other people but not me?

We get stuck in fear, imagining all the reasons that could potentially be causing what’s happening. But this reaction doesn’t help you.

Just as when a hard disk fails, there are many potential reasons that can cause the failure.

In a relationship that’s losing it’s connection and closeness the natural response is to try to fix it, but the traditional approach is to focus on what’s wrong, and that usually means what’s wrong with the person who’s changing.

A far better approach is to USE this as an opportunity to truly reflect on where you are headed as a man.

The most interesting (and attractive) you will ever be is when you have a life plan that is full of meaning and purpose for you.

When you have a clear vision, everything in life becomes easier. Menial tasks become enjoyable. Difficult conversations are no longer difficult. You smile and laugh more.

Of course you don’t get to avoid problems and challenges – the difference is that you see them as part of your path of growth and maturity.

Everything has something to teach you.

It’s like having the energy of a child again but with Clooney levels of maturity, focus and direction.

In my coaching program I take men through an intense program to become the man you were always meant to be. It’s a process of rediscovering your enthusiasm for life and it changes who you are as a man.

Ready to re-evaluate what you want from life?

My “How Do You Want To Evolve As A Man” initial Coaching Sessions are free.   These calls are real 60 minute coaching sessions where we dive deep into your current challenges and help you get a perspective where you feel calm and confident to take action and move forward: Go HERE to apply for your Free 60 minute coaching call

About the author

Hi, I'm Dan. I've been a men’s coach for over 10 years with Goodguys2Greatmen, mentoring and coaching men to get clear on what they want and creating practical and actionable plans to make it happen. I’ve experienced many of the same challenges you're going through right now. I’m here to challenge you and help you understand what's holding you back so that you can step into the confident, successful man you were meant to be.