Want to know why your wife emasculates you? Are you constantly being surprised and triggered by the way your wife treats you or reacts to you, even when you’re happy and trying to share that with her…?
In this episode I talk about why this happens, what’s going on under the surface of your relationship, why emasculation is not a deliberate attempt to make you feel bad or small and insignificant and what you can do to change the impact of these reactions you’re seeing from your partner.
In the video below I explain this in more detail including:
Why women have an instinctual fear reaction to changes in men’s testosterone levels which can lead to them reacting and emasculating you to regain control.
How men can address this instinctual reaction by staying calm, staying confident in themselves, self-validating, and using humor to disarm these reactions and create a new, safer energy with her.
How women sense these changes in men’s testosterone levels and why they impact their behavior and the trust and connection between you.
Why historically women needed this instinctual fear reaction to a man‘s change in testosterone to keep themselves safe and sometimes to stay alive.
Understanding how our body chemistry and instinctual reactions can trigger tension and anxiety in the person we’re in relationship with, leading to surprising subconscious responses from them.
Other articles you may find helpful:
Want More Belief, Direction & Confidence In Yourself Again?What She Needs Before She Can Be Sexual With You Again
Why in modern society we try to squash down men’s testosterone but we don’t mention that the criticism and emasculation from women is initially a fear reaction and a way to try and feel safer in modern society.
Why it’s key to recognise that your wife’s emasculating behavior is not your fault, yet you do need to take accountability if you’ve been mean, aggressive, disrespectful, and understand that sometimes even just a man being exuberant about feeling good can be instinctually misinterpreted as a threat by his partner.
How staying confident, curious, and self-affirming is the key to understanding and addressing these unexpected reactions from her without taking it personally.
how to show confidence and masculine strength of character to playfully tease and disarm the other person’s instincts and fear reactions.
And then invite your wife to join you in a different energy and create a new level of safety, trust and respect in your relationship.
I go into this in more detail in the video below. If you would like some 1-to-1 support on how to move forward with your current life situation, fill out my contact form and I’ll get in touch to arrange a free 60 minute coaching session with you.