When it comes to understanding how to attract your wife, there are so many confusing messages out there.
Most of us men don’t realize that we need to actively work on attracting our wives. We think it should all just be easy and that passion, desire and sex should always be on tap.
The truth is that you can create attraction and a stronger, more passionate relationship if you choose to take on the responsibility of creating the right environment for those things to happen naturally.
When you first started dating your wife, the novelty of the new relationship provided all the dopamine you needed for her to be attracted to you.
Dopamine, the pleasure neurotransmitter, is triggered by novelty and new experiences.
I know it wasn’t always like this, but as the excitement and admiration faded, you probably started getting a lot of excuses for why she doesn’t want sex, and naturally your fear, indignation, and resentment begins to rise.
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Sexual rejection can be extremely painful, especially when you feel like you’ve done everything you can to try to turn her on. It can be confidence crushing when she doesn’t want you, and it’s something that’s hard to understand or talk about with other people unless you’ve experienced it yourself.
I know what it’s like.
Someone has to take the lead.
You have the power to make your marriage more connected, passionate, fun and filled with attraction, today if you want to.
To keep the spark alive in a marriage, you have to put in the effort to do things that make your partner feel attracted to you. If no one makes an effort to change, the sexual desire will fade and the marriage will become stagnant.
Many guys have trouble with this because they ignore the Law of Entropy. Even though there is evidence that attraction does not naturally grow, they still want to believe the myth that it does.
When you don’t put deliberate effort into leading your relationship and resolving small conflicts and hurt feelings – the law of entropy means that the connection and desire naturally fades.
Attraction is caused by dopamine, which we produce when we are faced with a new situation or an uncertain outcome.
Marriage is the perfect breeding ground for comfort and complacency, which is the enemy of attraction.
If you choose not to take action to improve attraction, it will continue to decline.
Luckily, it is fairly easy to repair attraction and desire once you know what you are doing.
You are the best person to take on the responsibility of restoring attraction in your marriage. You may never have thought of it as your ‘job’ to do the things that build attraction, but it is your responsibility.
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Your choice, now you know, is whether you accept your role as the creator of attraction, or let it pass it by as “too hard” or “not worth the effort”.
There are four main reasons to put in the effort to attract your wife.
The first reason is that the benefits are huge. Obviously, you want a wife who is attracted to you, so putting in the work to attract her is essential.
The second reason is because you currently have a higher sex drive than your wife. If she’s less attracted to you, she won’t want to do things that would lead to more sex. It’s not a conscious choice. The one with the higher drive always has more incentive to change the marriage.
The third reason for taking on the responsibility of building attraction in your marriage is a bit more complex.
Simply put, she is responding to your leadership all the time, and she is attracted to very specific behaviors and qualities. Start engaging in those behaviors, and you’ll see that her attraction toward you increases.
The fourth reason is that taking responsibility to lead the relationship makes you feel good. When you take this responsibility, you’re taking on a new power, which is its own reward. You start feeling a sense of direction and purpose and lose that feeling of powerlessness you have every time she turns you down.
Responsibility = Power – the power to create the marriage you really want. This responsibility is a gift not a burden!
Guys Who Take Responsibility are Powerful
When you take charge and assume responsibility, women will find you more attractive. This also applies to your wife – if you take responsibility for creating attraction in your marriage, you will get the marriage you want. If you leave it up to your wife, nothing will change.
You Already Have the Power to Attract Your Wife
Want to re-attract your wife? Want great quality sex again?
I can tell you everything you need to know about attraction in under an hour. The hard part is whether you take action on the information. You have the power to amplify attraction in your marriage. It’s up to you whether you use that power or not.
You have to choose to take the responsibility for and ownership of the attraction in your marriage.
You need to take charge if you want to build attraction in your marriage. Once you start doing things that attract women, you’ll get the passionate wife and great sex you’ve always wanted.
But you must choose to Take Responsibility.
Ready to Get What You Want from Your Marriage?
Contact me for a free 60 minute coaching call and start using your power to create connection, attraction and build the passionate relationship you really want.